Spelling Rules for Learning English

Spelling Rules for Learning English


I’m sure you know that English spelling is not always easy, for foreign students or even for Americans!  (There are reasons why English spelling is so strange.  I can explain those reasons…)

Here are some simple rules for familiar problems in English spelling:

1) “I-E” or “E-I”?

If the word is pronounced “ee,” it is usually “I-E,” with some important exceptions.

When American children learn English spelling in school, they all learn a little poem: “I” before “E,” except after “C” or when sounded like “AY” as in neighbor or weigh.

That’s why “believe” is spelled one way and “receive” is spelled the other.  (In the word “receive,” it is “E-I” because it comes after “C.”)

But all rules need exceptions, right?  Here is a sentence that contains some exceptions to the “I” before “E,” except after “C” rule.  It is a good idea to memorize it:  “Neither leisure nor their weird foreign caffeine helped them seize the height.”


Avoid this easy trap!  The word “full”  has two “L”s.  However, when -ful is added to the end of another word (as a suffix), it has only one “L.” Examples are:  joyful, beautiful, plentiful, faithful.


When a word ends in “Y,” that letter becomes an “I” when other syllables are added to the end. For example: Happy/happiness; beauty/beautiful; lovely/loveliness; lonely/loneliness; silly/silliness.


I try to be the Rolls-Royce of New York's teachers of English as a Second Language (E.S.L.). Together we will bring your English to a new level of excellence.

After graduation from Yale University, I began teaching English in Asia more than 20 years ago. As a longtime journalist, I can analyze and fix language problems quickly and effectively. We will do that with your English speaking, writing and accent.

I have studied (to various levels) French, German, Spanish, Italian, Hebrew, Dutch, Modern Greek, Chinese, Japanese and Latin. I know what good language teaching is and the most effective ways to learn. I have a lifetime of language techniques to give you.

My experience traveling and living all over the world, including England and many parts of the United States, has helped make me an expert in accents. My work as an editor has made me an expert in good writing.

Come study English with a native New Yorker, in Midtown Manhattan or the Upper East Side. Let’s start now: Great English is waiting for you!
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